Water Wise Utah - Saving water creates a ripple effect
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Below are excellent resources to enhance any lesson, unit or activity around water and water conservation.  As educators you are essential in creating the ripple effect for Utah to be water wise.

  • EPA: Water
    Explore this page to learn about our water resources, water pollution, and how you can play a role in protecting your community's water resources.

  • Environmental Inquiry (High School):Teacher Resources
    This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about the Environmental Inquiry program and resources that will help you use EI curricula in your classroom.

  • Make Your Own Hydropower
    Make Your Own Hydropower provides students with a hands-on exploration of generating electricity with water power. This is a thematic unit geared toward seventh through ninth grade students.

  • Water on the Web (WOW)
    Water on the Web (WOW) helps college and high school students understand and solve real-world environmental problems using advanced technology.


  • Journey through the Bear River
    A watershed-specific activity guide for grades 6-12. The material in this activity guide will help foster a deeper understanding of the watershed, its physical properties, who lives in it, and how human activities affect different components of the watershed. Part 1 contains introductory material. Part 2 includes a description of the components of a watershed, an overview of the Bear River watershed, a more detailed narrative describing the Bear River from its headwaters to its outlet, and a discussion of several water resource management issues in the watershed. art 3 includes four activities for grades 6-12, which are designed to help educators teach students about the Bear River Watershed.

  • Stream Side Science from USU Extension
    The Stream Side Science Curriculum is a set of 11 water related activities and lesson plans correlated directly to the 9th grade Earth Systems Science Core. This curriculum was a collaborative effort involving Utah State University, the Utah State Board of Education, and Governor Walker's Watershed Initiative. These activities have been extensively tested in the classroom and modified according to teacher feedback.

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